The Poetry Distillery

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War is a Human Child

There’s a movie in which an alien

abandons her quest to save our planet

when she studies, learns, of War. Why bother?

If films are Art and Art reflects life, well…

Life is war, is it not? Napalm clouds,

gas chambers, bleed into

raw bone, severed limbs, and skulls.

Brady’s photographic glass negatives

depicting piles of boots, legs still attached,

turned into greenhouse panes. No one wanted

to remember. The blood of our desert

is infinite. If women ruled the world—

Ridiculous. Euphemisms might

spell safety, but War is a human child.

Lisa St. John is the author of Ponderings (Finishing Line Press) and Swallowing Stones (Kelsay Books). She lives in the Hudson Valley of Upstate New York and enjoys writing in metrical verse which many people think is free verse. Lisa has published her poetry in journals such as Pratik, New Verse News, The Orchards Poetry Journal, Glassworks, SWWIM, and The Ekphrastic Review. She currently works on a memoir when the poems allow it. Her list of publications and awards, as well as other media, can be found on her website at